Knowing God’s Will in different times and Seasons
by Ed Arcton
19th October, 2018
Morning devotion
Rev Ed Arcton – preached on the topic “knowing the will of God in different times”. The scripture text was taken from Luke 22: 39 – 48. He said, as a Christian, we ought to know what to do and required of us when and where we find ourselves in difficult situations, times and season. Jesus did different things at different times and seasons. Sometimes He preached the word, other times He taught, sometimes He healed and other times He was silent, and at certain times He prayed more earnestly. He did it to show us how we ought to live and walk in our days. As Christians, we ought to know what is required of us at specific times and seasons in our lives. Failure to know, discern time and do what is required of us will result in slumberness and stagnation in our daily lives as Christians and also can delay the will of God being fulfill in the life of a believer, who is saved by the precious blood of the Lamb. There is a real need to awake from our sleep to discern the will of God no matter the circumstance we face and be doing what God has task us to do every blessed day as we awake to see the brightness of the day. Our morning devotion ended up with prayer time led by Deacon Fiifi Kakraba.
Meet the Leadership
It was started at 11:35am and was led by Rev Ed Arcton –Bible text was from Luke 22:24-27, Romans 12:5, 1 Corinth 3:10, Acts 15:6
Topic – Who is a Leader?
A leader is one who serves. He is called to be a Servant Leader and not to be served or lord it over those he lead. Jesus came to serve, not to be served. The leader needs to live a life of servanthood, then can he be a good leader or to be called a leader. Being the first to demonstrate the application of the Word of God and serve as an example to his followers. The man of God expatiated on Christ being the servant leader and the responsibility of building of his church was on him and no one else, Jesus said “I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail over it”. This connotes that we ought to allow Christ matter of servanthood leadership becomes ours to imitate. We must submit to his leadership and be his representatives here on earth. Questions and answers followed making the seminar interactive. The meeting ended with prayer time led by Pastor Obed.
Evening service – 6:30pm
Opening prayer – Pastor Obed Richards
Preacher – Rev Ed Arcton – Topic: Prayer
Prayer gives us access to God’s presence and the heavenly blessings needed to accomplish our God given assignment. Prayer make us prevails over the heavenly forces of darkness, and to cause things to change on earth so that God’s perfect will is enforce or done. The disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray when they saw and observes their master’s prayer lifestyle all the time. Our Lord Jesus approaching the end of his ministry when he knew the purpose of his mission is at hand, turn is whole attention into prayer at the garden of Gethsemane and communion with his Father in heaven for divine strength to do the Father’s Will. He then turn to his own disciples and told them to watch and pray with him at Gethsemane so that they will not fall into temptation but they were slumbering because the spirit of heaviness has taken control over then. “Their eyes were heavy”. Prayer is a spiritual warfare, and should not be taken for granted. As a Christian or leader you need to spend time alone with God on daily basis if you’re to win battles and challengers that rise in your walk with God. In other to raise above and overcome temptations, we ought to pray without ceasing. Prayer sustains the Christian and empowers him to obey the word of God and do His perfect Will. The man of God emphasized the importance of prayer in the life of every believer, every leader and every local Church. The service was ended with prayers time led by Pastor Obed Richards.
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