For further information or inquiry, we will be glad to here from you today. Best Regards
We know that well-refreshed people make well-refreshed families, and that is what Moments of reflection is all about. We look forward to connecting with you and growing with you as we experience God’s love together through fellowship all through the years ahead.
We are image-bearers: like Father, like son like or mother daughter, we take Christ in us to our community, revealing His love, His mercy and grace to a broken world. We hope you’ll join us as we grow in our relationship with Jesus together. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at any time.
“Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of His return is drawing near.” – Hebrews 10:24-25 (New Living Translation)
Experience heartfelt love, worship, good friends and a refreshing look into God’s Word in a comfortable, casual setting, all year round. We are committed to coming alongside families in a way that helps strengthen and grow them.
Always Remember JESUS IS LORD OF ALL
At the Center for World Prayer Command, we have a heart for revival, a passion for holiness, and a desire to see the glory of the Lord poured out upon the communities and the nations. There is a cry in the heart of God today, calling forth a generation of Christian that will bow its knee to the Lord and the Lord alone. The trumpet has sounded, as God is bringing forth a mighty army, preparing warriors to take His power to the ends of the world in miracles, signs and wonders.
New level of strategic spiritual warfare prayer under the unction of the Holy Ghost fire is needed today that unveils the glory of God and turning the heart of man back to God in Christ Jesus, confession of sins and genuine repentance leading to salvation of perishing souls in all nations of the earth. “Come and let’s pray together for the harvest of souls into the Kingdom of God”.
Mission News Publication is a Christian publishing company and charitable trust committed to the dissemination of biblical Christianity throughout the world, particularly through its hard copy and online English language newspapers.
Biblical Christianity centers upon the glorious redeeming work of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and only mediator between God and man, as expounded by the doctrines of grace. True Christianity proclaims that the only way to God is through Jesus Christ.
We are committed to inform the our world reliable information from the christian stand points.
In all its activities, Mission News Publications’ objective is to support and not supplant the role of local gospel churches.
We are gifted at working with leaders at all levels and they all get the individual attention they need to solve complex problems. Instead of an off-the-shelf training program, we custom design each session based on the outcomes you want. Our training can be used in multiple settings such as retreats, staff meetings, seminars, webinars, or custom-designed training events.
Our facilitators provide supportive, cooperative, challenging opportunities for exploring group issues of all kinds. Unusual activities help you to challenge your assumptions, step out of your “comfort zone,” and break through the barrier of resistance to change. Expect to deepen your awareness of your impact. Action learning invites you to examine current behaviours and make the leap to more desirable behaviours.
The training sessions help people overcome resistance and provide the framework for lifelong learning. Some of the outcomes participants are equipped to adopt are the ability to motivate others, lead decisively, communicate a compelling vision, and embrace change.
Our trainers are not new to church and ministry leadership issues. They each have an expertise developed from extensive education, a genuine anointing of the Holy Spirit, and real-world experience in leading churches and ministries. We have a team of trainers and facilitators to match your need.
“And He said to them, “Go a into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. “He a who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned. “These 1 signs will accompany those who have believed: a in My name they will cast out demons, they will b speak with new tongues; they will a pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will b lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” So then, when the Lord Jesus had a spoken to them, He b was received up into heaven and c sat down at the right hand of God. And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them, and confirmed the word by the 1 signs that followed”.]
(Mark 16:15-20)
Experience heartfelt worship, good friends and a refreshing look into God’s Word in a comfortable, casual setting anytime of the year. Spring, Summer, and Fall. We are committed to coming alongside families in a way that helps strengthen and grow them. We know that well-refreshed people make well-refreshed families, and that is what Moments is all about.
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For further information or inquiry, we will be glad to here from you today. Best Regards
The CTM education develops both mind and heart. Instruction and inspiration are given by godly, Holy Spirit-filled scholars and teachers who are concerned that the historic Christian faith is both conceptually understood, passionately embraced, and intentionally shared.