Awomberew Mission Report: 15th – 17th February 2019
by Ed Arcton
arrived at the mission ground and immediately enter into serous time of intercessory
prayer for the local church and the community evangelization. From here we were
at the church hall for another evening prayer service with the locals to begin
our missionary work in the village.
Deacon Isaac preached that night, his topic was “The Lord has need of everyone”.
The Bible passage was from the Gospel of John Chapter 4, where Our Lord Jesus
had to pass through the city of Samaria to preach the gospel to people whom the
Jews considered unworthy to God. He further explained that the Lord has need of
everyone to hear the message of the kingdom so that they will be liberated from
the powers of sin and death, fear and bondage of darkness. He concluded by
saying that the gospel was for all and that God loves the people of Samaria, he
wants them to hear the goodnews of salvation. That Jesus himself speaking to them
is the Life and the truth, he is the savoir of all mankind and whoever believes
in HIM have eternal life. After the sermon, the man of God Rev Arcton led the
whole church into powerful prayer time; it was followed by deliverance and
healing of many under satanic oppression and bondage. The Lord was with us and working
through us confirming his WORD with signs and wonders. We give Glory unto the
Lord our God.
Saturday morning was a precious and blessed time
spends in the presence of God during the Church morning devotion time. Pastor
Obed ministered to the congregation. He spoke on a message about the Holy Spirit and why believers need the Holy Spirit. He explained how the Holy
Spirit was involved from creation and how the Holy Spirit came upon God’s
chosen servants both in the days of the Old Testament to the New Testament era.
In the book of Luke Gospel chapter 3 and 4 tell us how the Holy Spirit descended
and filled JESUS CHRIST himself, who came from the Father in heaven, and led
Him throughout his life on earth. Likewise we found the Holy Spirit working in
and through other Men and Women God choose to use both in the Old and New
Testament era. Such as Sampson, Gideon, David, John the Baptist etc. Pastor
Obed emphases how the Holy Spirit impacted JESUS’s personal life and empowers
him in ministry to fulfill God purpose on earth. He emphases that, we need the work
of the Holy Spirit in our life every moment as we walk and live here on this earth.
Without the Holy Spirit we are nobody and cannot carry out God’s agenda and
fulfill God plan for our life no matter the situation we find ourselves. Our
total surrender and obedient of the leadership of the Spirit of God in a necessity
for our daily fellowship and walk with the Lord. In conclusion Pastor Obed led us
in prayer for the infilling and empowerment of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Later in the day, we embarked on house to house visitations and
personal evangelism. The Annual festival of the community attracts many, guests,
visitors and other people to the community from different part of the country. There
were a lot of activities ongoing; one is the football games between various
groups within the community. However after our outreach we committed ourselves into
prayers for the people living in the village and surrounding communities.
In the evening, we had a prayer session with the
people at the church hall; this was led by Deacon Isaac. He gave word of exaltation
and led an intercessory prayer for the church, the community and the nation as
well as individuals. He said, Jesus builds his church on a strong foundation
which was He himself and nothing could ever be able to destroy it. Rev Ed Arcton,
expounded the power of prayer and blessed the people in the name of the Lord. It was day of refreshment from the Lord. We
were back to our quarters and continued in prayers into late in the night.
The following day comes with its untold story.
It was Sunday morning the Lord’s Day, Church service started earlier and here
are we again in the present of the Lord, to worship and give thanks to the
Lord. Pastor Obed led the church in Sunday bible Lesson, he taught about the
‘Early Church’ and spoke concerning how the church began, how the church
maintained its salvation message, how they continued to walk and live in the
spirit of loving each other as Jesus has loved then and taught them to do. God brought
numerical growth and increased because they followed the Masters footsteps in
love. The scripture says, “And they went forth, and preached every where, the
Lord working with [them], and confirming the word with signs following. Amen. (Mark
16:20) Again in Acts scripture says…and the Lord added to the church such as ware
being saved daily”. It was such a
blessing to hear GOD’s word from his servant.
Pastor Obed then led the church into worship and
prayer session.
Deacon Isaac deliver the Sunday’s message entitle “The Good News”. He explained the
message of the kingdom of God as the Good news to mankind. The love of God manifested
through his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who gave his life to die and saved
mankind. And that whoever believes in him would not die but have eternal life.
He said the good news of the kingdom is to bring sinners to God and not to drive
them away as some people do by scattering the flocks of God with contaminated and
diluted messages which is unscriptural and isn’t from God. He said the message
of the Kingdom is simple, but powerful that God loves mankind even though we
all died in sins and trespasses, Jesus came and took the punishment of our sins
upon himself and die in our place for us. He said further that “for the Son of
Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. (Luke 19:10) And because
it was Goodnews for mankind scriptural says “Now the tax collectors and sinners
were all gathering around to hear Jesus.” Luke 15:1 NIV. He concluded that if
the preaching we hear drives us away and makes you hide yourself from God’s presence
and does not instead drives us into our knees to confess our sinful ways that preaching
isn’t the biblical gospel found in the Bible. This is the WILL of God, that all
should come to the knowledge of the truth and repent and be saved eternally. The
intentions of God are to save us, not to destroy the sinner. Deacon Isaac then led
the Church to prayer after the sermon. Rev Ed Arcton encourage the church with
a message on love, saying if Christ so loved us then we ought to love one
another. Closing prayer was said by Rev Arcton, followed by benediction.
Annual Festival.
The whole community gathered together at their community ground for their Annual Festival, to give thanks to God and to raise funds for community development. We were invited as Guests. Rev Arcton was the main Guest Speaker. He preaches on message of Love God and Love your Neighbor as the Bible commands and demands from everyone.
God want us to live and walk in “LOVE” because he is the God of Love, which is the greatest virtue the Holy Scripture made us understands. He explained further that as a community of families, love is necessary for family reunion and social development. Love binds us together and without love society crashes into pierces, this produces all kinds of social evils devices that destroys and delays community transformation, development and family unity. He said God wanted to heal and restores us unto himself as his own people he loves and care for. In the same way God want us to live in a better world, free of suffering and evil which are the courses of human wickedness. God show his perfect love towards man by giving us his own begotten Son, Jesus Christ who gave his life and died for sinful mankind. Accepting and inviting the Lord Jesus Christ into our life and home begins our total reconciliation, restoration and transformation of both our life and society into God’s plan of heaven on earth. Jesus asks us to pray this way, “And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth. (Luke 11:2) Click here to view the sermon.
In conclusion, Rev Arcton further said that God gave to all of us two most important commandments to obey, which is “Love the Lord your God with all your hearts and Love your neighbor as yourself”. This two golden commandment hang on us to obey and do them. If we claim we are children of God, redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb. Let’s walk and live in the Love of the Father all the time. John the Apostle said “Beloved let us love one another for God is Love and whosoever loves is born of God overcomes the world”. Love is the greatest virtue, it’s possible to Love and be beloved.
Mission Report: LMC
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