Mission Day 4
by Ed Arcton
(29th September, 2018)
Morning Devotion: 5:00 am to 6:20 am
Led by Pastor Obed Richards
We started the day with morning devotion led by Pastor Obed Richards, who spoke on “The value of your relationship – The scripture text is taking from the Book of Ruth:1”. He highlighted that circumstances reveals the true nature of people and determines their actions and he urged members of the church to see the important value of their relationship with God and stick with Him in every situation they may find themselves. He stressed the commitment of Ruth to Naomi desperate her old age and the loss of all that she has in life. Ruth was still eager to fellow her mother–in-law and be one with her. This was followed by prayers of rededication of ourselves to God. The devotion was brought to a close.
We then retired to our quarters to pray, rest and prepare for evangelism after noon time, which we did on the same day.
Evangelism: 2pm to 5pm
We also embarked on evangelism in the afternoon. We spoke to quite a number of people and some backsliders with majority of them being men and women. Some of them were non settlers. Among those we shared the gospel; about seven of them were led to accept Christ as their personal Lord and savior. We then retired to our quarters and prepared for the evening service.
Evening service
Speaker: Deacon Isaac Fiifi Kakraba
Topic: Rise and walk – John 5:1-9
The preacher, Deacon Isaac Fiifi Kakraba, shone light to describe the state of the Christian, always waiting to be stirred up at certain times before they arise to impart their community. He further explained that Jesus seeing the lame man beside the well, noticed he had been in that state for a long time, walk to him in his condition and told him to rise from that state of hopelessness and helplessness and begin to walk. There is no need to wait again for the water to be stirred up before a change comes your way. Change can occur anytime, anyplace and anytime because Jesus Christ is always with us and in the Church. Prayers were made and service was brought to a close.
We then retired for the day to our quarters to pray for the Sunday Church Service and the whole Community.
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